Fallout – Mistakes Made and Hobby Grinding

13 thoughts on “Fallout – Mistakes Made and Hobby Grinding”

  1. Sorry to hear about your woes with Rashida, but the skin tones you’ve got going on the Henry model, are already looking fantastic, have a close look at some old masters paintings (Michael Angelo, type) as it would be a good example of using green on skin tone, as I think it would be a great glaze to use in shadows on this model.

    Really like the raider so far, and look forward to seeing it with your weathering on it. Hope you find time for the games in the coming week.

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    1. I’d like to say I learn from these mistakes, but I’m not entirely sure I do or at least it feels that way some days. At least its easy to get a replacement.

      Its funny you mention that about Henry. I gave some real thought to making him look like a Van Saar from Necromunda which have that look from what I can tell. I have something special in mind for Henry that is a bit different but hopefully you like how it looks in the end.

      My family just left this evening so I can definitively say that I’m very much looking forward to sleep and doing some gaming this week.

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    1. I don’t know why I tend to only prime everything in one color because its as easy as ever to have several different primers at your disposal. Thank you and I look forward to seeing what you do with the bust you’ve started as well.


  2. Thatโ€™s unfortunate for the Rashida bust, sounds like stripping the whole thing was the right call but stripping resin is tricky at best as itโ€™s so fragile. Nice job on the new bust and the raider! Good to get stuck back in after a disappointment.

    Iโ€™ve been undercoating black again also for the past few months and I do have to say I do like it and have missed it.

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    1. I neglected to mention it but that was the first time I had ever tried to strip a mini. I really don’t do it much at all and I was surprised how well the primer stuck to the resin. There was quite a bit that would not come off, no matter how hard I scrubbed it. You live and you learn!

      The big upside to black priming is that if you miss a spot in the cracks or crevices of the mini, its no sweat! I really didn’t like that about priming in the lighter colors and so I wouldn’t be surprised if I stick with black primers for the foreseeable future.

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      1. The best way to strip is with a bit of chemical assistance but solvents often also interact with resin which makes it really tricky. I donโ€™t have much experience at all stripping resin, Iโ€™ve tried to stay away as much as possible!


  3. The raider looks excellent (as always) but I know what you mean about tedious belts and straps. Infinity minis from Corvus Belli are the same; every surface is another pouch or clip of something.

    I’m very much looking forward to seeing where you go with Henry, the bust looks interesting. It’s a shame that you had to bail out on Rashida but hopefully you got to learn from the experience first.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Those Infinity minis have a lot of fine details to be sure. Some Fallout minis are quite straightforward but the Raiders and Institute are not. They test my patience but I am thankful the game has a low model count at the same time.

      I’m not sure I ever learn from my modeling mistakes but I do try! I’m glad that I had Henry on deck so I could transition into something else pretty easily.


  4. Well, it’s my hobby so I’ll damn well prime in whatever colour I want to! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s usually a colour close to the darkest shade on the largest area of a model for me, but I just slap it on with a brush and hope for the best!

    Shame about the painting upsets, Jeff, but you are making some progress! Here’s hoping you can get some game time in! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  5. sorry about that the bust got busted. Lame. Better luck with the next one.

    Iโ€™ve always primed in black. Iโ€™m tempted to try the zenathal prime method but I never seem to remember while doing it. ๐Ÿ˜€

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  6. For awhile I would prime bad guys in black and good guys in white ๐Ÿ˜‚ Then I was priming everything in grey until I couldn’t find the grey paint I was happy with. Now I tend to use white for everything, or I will prime a batch of figures with whatever the prominent color is going to be. My uruk-hai I primed with army painter plate metal!

    The hardest lesson to learn in any craft is patience, I’ve lost track of how many mistakes I’ve had to correct just because I’m impatient to finish something. I have learned to have several items going at once so I can do something while something else dries.


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