Hellboy – Howling

19 thoughts on “Hellboy – Howling”

  1. First off the junk barricades are pretty cool. I think the blocks could use a little texture, but it might be there and we can’t see it from the picture.
    The wolf doesn’t look quite right, because there is too much brown near the top. We had a dog that was a wolf/husky hybrid. She was white, silver, grey, and some black. Though as we know, animal fur varies a lot! But if you want it to “read” as a Wolf, I’d drop all the brown or use it sparingly.
    I agree the second one looks much better. I also wasn’t sure how much texture you have to work with on the mini, but I think you did a really nice job with the fur. 😃

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Glad to hear you like the barricade so far! The problem with texturing the blocks is you need a really fine pointed brush to do it convincingly. I don’t have one in my arsenal at the moment though I suppose I could see about getting one at some point. I’m not going to finish the barricade for a bit so that is doable.

      Agreed with the first wolf. I may revisit it and try to improve it as I’m clearly not happy with it. I tried to move too fast and the end result suffered.

      The sculpted fur detail is basically like a lion’s mane around the neck and shoulders. The tail has some texture too. I don’t know why Mantic did it this way but I had to freehand a lot of the fur you see, for better and worse! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok, I thought you added a lot more fur than was on the wolf and you definitely did a good job of it.
        One thing you could do with the blocks is stipple different darker greys on it. Even without a pointed brush, I just go back over the larger spots with the base color (or something close) to make the dots smaller. Basically overlapping each other. If that makes any sense.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s a good thought! It is a bit work intensive but it could lead to some pretty nice results. I’ll see if I can find some time to try that out during the week, especially once I get the next thing I’ve started done 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Animal patterns can be a real pain, the base colours you’ve used look pretty close, to save the first one, you could paint some of the lighter fur colour across the brown area but keep the strokes very short, if you notice on the reference picture the light coloured fur goes all over, it’s the underlying colour that changes.

    The barricade is looking great, but knowing how good your weathering is, it will take it to awesome.

    Sounds like the game has a similar mechanic to computer games, where you have to do things a certain way to beat a level, but I’m sure you’ll get there.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think some dog breeds and wolves might be among the hardest to do (though I haven’t tried any big cats to be fair). I think you’re right that I can “touch up” the first wolf and get it closer to the quality of the second one. I think there’s a decent chance I’ll work on that later this week or next.

      Glad to hear the barricade is rounding into form as well!

      Yes, you nailed it. It is very similar to the Kingdom Rush video games. You have to keep playing and experimenting and try to do a little better each time until you beat it. I wasn’t expecting the board game to match the video games quite so well.


    1. Thank you, mate! I’m trying to build that up, step-by-step. It takes a lot of patience and time. Not unlike building up an army in a Song of Fire and Ice I would think.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear it! I think the fur sculpting could be better certainly. Its too long and looks mane-like to my eyes anyway. I actually found I did better on the second wolf by mostly ignoring it which is very unusual, in my experience.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s amazing how many colors are in a canine or felines fur/hair. I applaud you for even trying!

    The barricade is coming along nicely, that is a lot of different textures to paint on one model.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They’re not easy subjects to paint for sure. I mostly tried as a challenge to myself and see if I could learn anything new. I will say that the barricades seem daunting at first but once I get going on it, it is hard to stop. I think the fact that most of the items in the barricade are quicker to paint than your typical mini must be part of that.


  4. I don’t think the wolf is that bad, you’re just being picky. A painted miniature is a success.
    and still better than if I had painted it.

    I happen to have a game of Fallout scheduled next week. It’s a fun system.

    good luck selling the stuff and getting the crush to work. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, cheers Stew! I hope you enjoy your game of Fallout and I’d be curious to know who you use in the game. The Survivors are wildly different depending on which minis you use but other factions like the Super Mutants play in a pretty specific manner no matter what you choose. Either way, I hope you have fun!

      And thanks! Its take some work to get it all together but hopefully there is someone out there who will pay what I want for it. We shall see 🙂


  5. I love the barricades for Fallout; I know that they are just scenery but I really enjoy what you’ve done with them.

    You’re probably being a bit harsh on yourself with the wolves. I’d definitely be proud if I could paint such minis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers, mate! In my next post which is coming up later today or tomorrow, you can see the finished product.

      Did Sir Andy Murray or Sir Chris Hoy get to be where they are from settling less?! (Yes, I googled most famous Scottish athletes haha) I reckon you’ve always got to keep trying to improve or you’ll never get where you want to be 🙂


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