Wasteland in Progress

18 thoughts on “Wasteland in Progress”

    1. Glad to hear it isn’t just me on ghouls ๐Ÿ™‚ For me, it is Deathclaws that I cannot stand. Being chased by a tank with claws is just not that much fun. Thank you for the kind words on the painting as well ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Such progress, makes me feel like a bum since I have done so little lately. (unless you count painting the bathroom and dining room ceiling as painting) Have you tried any of the GW contrast paints yet? Seems like the mutant hound might be a figure that it could be used on.
    I always see things that need fixing after I take a picture of them, I really need to get in the habit of taking a intermediate picture to check on my progress. Regarding the eyes, they seem fine, it is the eyebrow on the second figure – another quizzical look, you would think they would know what they are shooting at by this point. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. That sounds like painting to me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would think that you needed a break after finishing a big project too. I have not tried GW contrast paints. I am unfortunately a 34 year old stuck in a senior citizen’s body in that I get stuck in my ways very easy and don’t experiment as much as I should. One of these days I will try Contrast paints and I’ll probably rue not doing it sooner.

      Taking pictures can help you spot mistakes and it can also drive you crazy because the camera has better eyes than we do. Hmm… maybe my eyebrows aren’t doing the minis justice. I always try to paint eyes and eyebrows fearlessly because I think that is the only way to get better at them but perhaps I’m not doing myself justice with the eyebrows. I will give this some more thought!


  2. Very nice work on all the figures, they have each come out very well. To my mind the wethering looks good, after all who knows what they have crawled through or layed down in? When it comes to the photographs the camera is often not the modeller/painters best friend, it exagerates everything and it is easy to forget that the screen image can be so much bigger than the mini itself. This used to bother me a lot but my attitude now is if it looks great to the naked eye then it is fine. Looking forward to your first diorama. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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    1. I took a second look at that mini whose eyes I didn’t like and I reached the same conclusion as you. They aren’t perfect but they don’t look bad to the naked eye so that is going to have to be good enough. It is also good to hear that the weathering came out alright. I might be being a bit hard on myself there so I appreciate a second opinion ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m very excited about the diorama too. This will hopefully be a fun week of painting while working on it.

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  3. These look great!

    Your Fallout journey has inspired me to finally start playing Fallout 4 the video game. I’ve played Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas for both around 100 hours each back in the day and really loved them, but since I’m trying to play video games chronologically by order of release date I’m still stuck in the 2011/2012/2013s, so hadn’t made it to Fallout 4 yet. I’m really loving it so far and it’s cool to see your beautifully painted miniatures capture that feel so well.

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    1. Playing video games chronologically is very ambitious! I’m glad to hear you’re playing and enjoying Fallout 4. Some people don’t like it as much as New Vegas or 3 and while New Vegas might be my favorite, I really love 4. It improves on the Fallout formula in a lot of ways and it has a lot of memorable moments and characters. The setting too, is just amazing with PS4 level graphics. I’m convinced that is partly why it is so fun to paint the minis ๐Ÿ™‚

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      1. Yes, I am blown away by how great it looks! That is one of the reasons why I’m playing video games chronologically, so that I don’t get too used to the pretty graphics newer games have and can still enjoy older games more easily. I do play more recent games from time to time (Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Star Wars Battlefront II), but overall I try to play from old to newer, especially in a connected series such as Fallout. The post-apocalyptic setting is really fun to roleplay in.

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      2. It is definitely nice to play a series in order and I try to do the same thing when possible. I’d never thought about playing games chronologically but I can see why you’re doing it. I tend to buy a system, play as many games as I want to on it and then buy the next one and start the process over. Your idea sounds a bit more organized and logical if I’m being honest ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. Great progress all around! Nice job on the miniatures. I especially like the expression of the mechanic guy, as he looks a little bemused or sardonic. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I havenโ€™t played video games probably for a decade and reading the comments above makes me wish them a little. But I barely have time enough for my one hobby of miniature gaming so another time sink is out of the question. ๐Ÿ˜€

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    1. I agree on the mechanic’s expression. I don’t remember him looking that way in the game but it makes him stand out against all of the other serious looking minis in the Fallout line.

      I’m of the age where I grew up playing Super Mario Bros. and so video games have always been a part of my life. Having said that, I don’t have any kids so I have time for a couple of hobbies. In fact, it is the main reason I’ve been reluctant to have any children but maybe one day I will change my mind ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Love the painting mate, I always used to take out the legs off the ghouls to slow them down. Donโ€™t like hunting super mutants without some long range thinning out the herd, but funnily enough my favourite thing to hunt was the death claws (not at the start of the game obviously). Sturgeon is spot on. I cannot remember which settlement I left him in. You have now made me want to go and have a look. I finished the game, but kept on going for all of the side missions, well that and deathclaw hunting. The easiest one to find is by the ghoul settlement. It spawns just across the river from there. If things get too tricky I run back for the protection of the multiple gun turrets that cover all approaches to it.

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    1. Cheers, mate! Watching ghouls pull themselves along the ground to try and get to you is pretty entertaining. I’m glad to hear this post was inspiring and I would encourage you to play Fallout 4 again since you have enjoyed it so much ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you ever try hunting Deathclaws in the Glowing Sea? That area always scares me because there are so many nasty enemies crawling around there. I’m sure it would be a challenging place to fully explore. I have to admit that I didn’t do it on my first playthrough. Maybe I will on my current one ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. I’m the same as you. I’ve heard some people say it isn’t that bad or it is an improved game since it was released but the bad reviews and the online only gameplay turned me away from it. I would maybe get it when it is heavily discounted but I also think I’m likely to keep playing Fallout 4 until the next game comes out ๐Ÿ™‚

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